
Friday, November 7, 2014


Write it down. Put it in your phone. Set alert. Write it down somewhere else---and STILL forget it. I think I am just going to start putting sticky notes on myself. I think its having too many things to remember---that make me forget---- or.. I am just simply full of fog. Well at least its not frogs!

If I were to post this on facebook the quick comeback would be oh put it in your phone...thats what I do.......and no, putting it in my phone wont work. Because I wont remember to look. and as for notifications....I turn the alert off, and then within 5 minutes its forgotten. If I write it down----unless its hanging on my wall---I wont remember it.

Today I got a few things checked off----thanks to being able to 'go" when the "timer alert" went off. Only thing I forgot is---drop coat to dry cleaners.

Its only 10:19....and here I was thinking it was past 12am...because I really thought I saw 11 hour ago because I was thinking I would go walmart around 8 or 9pm. Well an hour ago it was 9ish. Eh, nevermind now...I am too tired.

But that is nothing compared to going to Dollar General at 9:30pm to get eye drops----and arriving and not remembering what you went for---and come home----and about 20 mins later, you realize your eyes are like sandpaper.......

I remind myself I am normal. This may not be normal, but it is the life of someone with hypo thyroid---or no thyroid at well in addition you can add Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibro...... It is also the life of someone taking 3 different Disease Modifying Anti Rheumatoid Drugs (DMARDS)

Life is chaotic--when you are 41 years old and trying to finish school and you cannot remember to do assignemnts even if you write them down which days theyre due---you will still be unorganized, and very lazy, except you are not lazy because the medications take a lot out of you.

That is okay, if you are like me, know you are not alone. If you are not like me----research before you judge. Be empathetic even if you cannot be sympathetic. :)

Happy Friday---here's to a good weekend to all the blog browsers!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Feelings in life.....friends? lonliness?

So many people seem so sad all the time.Extremely depressed over what are big issues, but not issues we should be so down and out about on a continuously daily basis. I can understand being down and out. I feel that way sometimes too We are after all...human. So am I.

Its just......I hate see people being so down and out about being alone, no friends, no one visit, they go no where. It really depresses them. Makes me sad for them--not bec theyre sad---but bec they dont handle it well. :(

I also hate seeing people hurt by people who are supposed to be friends--- too many today "pretend" or say they're genuine and real----but as soon as someone turns their back---they are the first to start talking ill of someone. They turn around and start kicking someone when they are not around, and even when theyre hurting and down theyll still kick em while they're down. These people claim to be amazing wonderful people they act like theyre the best most genuinest friend you could ever have. On facebook, they'll say why do people gossip why do people do this---and yet, we feel the pain bec we've been there, they'v etalked about us. THeyve hurt us.

Holidays seem to be the hardest for everyone. 2013 was a year of changes for me.Huge changes, and a learning process. Elimination. Trusting in the Lord....

I dont have friends where I live- not real ones anyone. Not genuine ones. Just...people....--so to speak---I have a ton of "acquaintenaces" to me, friends are not people who will kick you when your down or bad mouth you to someone else, or even go behind your back-----I had to learn the hard way who my friends were through the years. I am still learning. Bec even I fall off track (I did this for 2 years) (dumbest thing ever) Im back on track with myself, my Lord, my life......

Now---im cautious. Very. And yes, its hard.And yes I know we feel down out out because we help others when they need------Like .... When theyre in pain, in tears, just need a ride, whatever....even sick---Im there---I'll be there for anyone and everyone bec I am genuine. But as soon as I need someone--or when Im sick----NO ONE is anywhere to be found.Its one excuse after another. I used to cry and I got tired of crying. Everyone elses day is alway smore special than my own. I have learned this through the years---i wasn't meant to have friends who things for me. I am meant to do things for others---even if they are not real friends to me. My point is, I am human jus tlike you, we just have to choose our battles.

Most of my actual friends are out of town. I have facebook friends---pretty much the source of my interaction with people.....literally. Ive gotten even when I go to deaf events----I treat each person as a cautious reminder they are probablY NOT my friend, and they're just being nice. :( I know this is not a good thing, but this is how I feel these days. I can't trust or believe anyone. I have a huge inner fear of being hurt so the only way I can avoid it---is to put that wall up and remind myself that they probably are NOT my friend---theyr ejust merely acquaintances Ive met along the way.

I have the Lord. Who keeps me sane because without Him I am nothing. With Him, I can get through anything :)

He sends me a few locals who are hearing-- who every now and then to remind me---He's here and Im not alone. :) Delight in the little things. :) I have a local friend who sends bread home with me sometimes. She's a delight :) Sometimes its the little things, that He uses to remind us----we may be far from our own actual friends, but HE provides even better ones. :) and those He asks us to give up---He replaces with far better ones if we trust in Him. :)

I just feel sad for those who feel depressed and hurt--- continously over lack of being around people and other things too. I know its hard to be alone---especially during the holidays. And to those who are hurting bec "friends" have hur tthem. Esp the ones who I know do so much for others---and I have never heard an ill word out of their mouhts/hands. For me... I choose mind over matter :) I tell myself.... I'tll pass. doesnt everything in life? It usually passes :) Ofc that doesn tmean it doesnt hurt int he process. bec it really does.

Truly and honestly------Its a choice of mind over matter. Only we can decide how we are going to feel about something. Only we can decide if we are going to stay feeling the pain----, or if we are going to choose to let the tears flow for one day or two--because it IS okay to cry------and then choose to smile through this. I would be utterly depressed if I allowed myself to be sad all the time about not having people around constantly. I would also not be in great shape if I didnt cry and then dust myself off.

I know not everyone is strong, but I do honestly beleive its a choice that we make within ourselves. Does that mean I and others dont hurt inside? No...of course we do too----we are human and we might be strong and able...but there are days we too hurt inside. We just can't let Satan win, especially if we are godly women/men who in ourselves are trying to change and learn wisdom from above and take His guidence as He molds us like the clay we are who submit ourselves to HI.

God has a use for me----and if I'm needed, then I'm needed. God has appointed me my friends, and they are with me in heart---even if they're miles away and not nearby. :) Just bec the ones I help---doesnt mean they have to be the ones who are there for me. Just bec theyre local. Ive learned not to rely on them. It used to hurt. But Ive learned---thats the way it will be.

Sometimes the Lord has other plans. Sometimes we're meant to be there for someone else------but they aren't there for us---thats okay. :) Be heartbroken--and get over it. :) No sense in dwelling on it----and it sure has made a happier me! I love my life and my new way of thinking. Practice helps---A lot. (ofc there are still days ha)

Ive made a lot of changes in my life----but those changes are my choices. Its made for a healthier and happier me---even those of others you see who are happy---im sure they have their days too---- it happens sometimes but we choose not to let it be a daily thing. I hope you will choose not to let those things bother you too bec its really not worth it and its more fun being upbeta and posisitve and truly isnt that bad! :)

If I can--so can you :) You got this. So buckle up and choose how you want to embrace life and feel everyday! :) and if you know me and see me down out---just remember---even I need this reminder time and time again------This is why I find myself perfering to be alone at home--- and not surrounded by people. (not really a preference---its just a choice that I am left with---the only one that seems to be the safest. I dont like it, i'd rather be around people sometimes---but--truth is---since theyre all untrustworthy and not really real---i perfer to just be alone. Its going to take something big to show me that i have actual friends anywhere.

(which was really hard at first) but through tons of prayer and the Holy Spirit remidning me that I can get through this----bec of everything that has been said----I have learned to smile through the pain. I have chose to be thankful this year---- for the insight He has shown me, and to trust Him that He has better things for me this year---that He removed those in my life---for a reason. So while I dust myself off, just know----your not alone. :)

Hugs to all!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcoming 2014 and a New You

I know I want to be a better person. I want to make changes where when others see me, they see more of Christ and less of me. I base mine on my faith---I base mine on "Lord, your the potter and I am the clay." He helps me in all I do. I see all sides, He teaches me love---He teaches and shows me--- A happier life----cannot be made with bitterness and negative towards ourselves or others if we have that bitterness, how can we be happy? God is not bitterness---HE IS LOVE!! LOVE! A big word! Serious meaning (for anther blog)

This year---I have no resolutions. I did great at the mid end of 2013 in providing myself with the choices and decisions I needed to make---and obeying the LORD and learning little changes as He shows me how to fall in line with His Word.

Ive learned that changing a lifestyle immediately isn't really practical---but that I can make little changes week by week that will be healthier and hopefully thereby easier to commit to. A healthier me--and no matter our size! We need to have longer healthier better lives. America has too many bad temptations! A healthier, happier and more fulfilled life.
Im not just talking about food--I am talking about a WAY of life. Food, commitment, positive attitudes-----they are choices and decisions we are given freely--and ones we make on our own.

I know I want to be a better person. I want to make changes where when others see me, they see more of Christ and less of me. I love having a positive attitude. I love that the Lord reminds me that I have the ability through Him to get through anything--and that tomorrow is always better and things do look up--and HE is here and He provides.

Every day is a time of newness. The old is past--yesterday is done. Dwelling on anything past yesterday--hinders today and tomorrow!

Once I made that decision, my feelings, emotions, mind, heart--everything fell into place with it. We just need to "DECIDE" and "DO IT." There is just no other way. I became happier---I became more fulfilled. My life became better---I have many goals and desires of changes------for the better----but they will NOT be what I, in the flesh want---they will be in line with the LORD and His molding of me. To make me what I ought to be.

Our flesh does not fall in line with the Word of God---we must be open to His will to make these positive changes. Example, someone makes us angry---our flesh retaliates, stays angry, refuses to look at all sides---so we become bitter--who is that hurting? US!!! not the other person! God teaches us how to forgive and shows us that we do not need to be bitter or carry a grudge---we simply make changes----and smile towards them. Why? BEcause what better weapon do you have!????? If we are truly living in His faith---and truly wanting to make changes like that in our lives--we MUST MUST allow HIM access. If we dont ----we are choosing our own path and not His. God is love. And He loves even our enemies.

We're human and human emotions are a part of life--but we alone choose how to deal with it, the following days to come. :) Once you remember that mind set---and take week by week of those little changes----it becomes easier and easier.

To speak words of kindness---to LIVE by those words, to speak words of encouragement and change and to LIVE by those words. Change won't happen over night, but little by little week by week, we can make improvements in ourselves to be better.

I have had an amazing end of 2013---after my 40th birthday--I made a decision--not to let these things affect me---bec if I do--I will be down and out. I dont like being down and out. I like being upbeat happy and positive. So one day to be down and out is enough for me. I wake up-I tell myself how today is goign to go. I say my prayers, I ask the Lord to be with me and guide me, and to help me stand by what I desire--which is to be made in His image. To allow HIM to make over my thoughts, my heart and my mind.

I made a few more errors after that--we are after all human right? But the big thing is---contentment. I feel fullfilled. Im happy, and I choose my path, I made A LOT Of changes in 2013. Part of that meant eliminting people in my life---letting go of old lifestyles---and letting go of regrets----AND understanding that sometimes we go through "phases" that last a little while but do not have to define us---goodness knows i had my share of that in 2011-2012----then 2013 was all about "washing" and learning obedience...... making the changes. Obeying God isn't easy---even when the changes are what we want----they can often be hard to do-----but wow!!! LOVE!!! and it has def made me healthier and happier!

Heres to you--and a new you. Who do you want to be? :) You decide how you will handle dramas and things that come your way---participate---or dont---simple as that. :) Have a great 2014 friends!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Friendships and the truth inside of ourselves

Something that I think about lately:

Lately----it seems theres lot of posts on friendship and true friendships and things going around on facebook.
Everyone will go through something at one point or another in life. Maybe theyre upset, or angry. Maybe theyve been hurt or wronged. For me, I've realized---we are social folk. Most of humanity needs a point of socialism in their life. Some how and some way. Some by marraige, others by friendship, some being blessed with the ability to have both a great relationship with their spouse and great friendships chosen and annointed by our wonderful Father above.

For me, it meant changes in my life. Changes that have occured over years of periods of times, and some really stupid dumb times that I cant believe I allowed to happen. Those changes took place. Then following that were others. I looked up and said? But alas it had to happen. There comes a time in life, when we must let go. We can't cry because others are not there for us when we've been there for them. Yet we are only human.

We love the freindships others have, we may even wish we had that for ourselves. I used to wish and it would make me so sad. Then I realized thats not from Him. Sadness and pain is not soething He would wish upon me. Thats satan. when I realized this---I changed. :) This was God's way of molding me to be more in His image and to be more like Christ and less like me.
Because I pray on it, because I desire it. Because I have to choose it, and when I choose it--He works with it.

See many people think that----"thats how i am if you dont like it tough thats how He made me." But the truth is, its not. He loves you unconditionally, but in my thoughts, if we hve ugliness in us, why would we want to continue or not admit to that? Why would we desire it and stand by it? or feel entitled? Satan. in all holds and smiles he grabs on to what he can.

If we stop and we truly pray and we seek out for the good in ourselves, to ask in CHrists name we seek inside of ourselves the things we cannot see, to show us--so that we can choose change---we are choosing to allow Christ to work inside of us from inside out. See, We are given CHOICE. The freedom of choice. If we dont open ourselves to Him---then how can He work in us? we MUST be open even to change. good change. Change in Him. Forget mankind and what mankind wants. I want what my Father wants.
So for friendships, sometimes, that means changes too.

Now....because of change, if I stay away from the ones who are stressful it doesnt mean i love them any less, it just means Ive distanced because perhaps---there is within a reason of my own. So I perfer my stressfree friends----who care enough about their lives to make changes the same as I do.

Some talk all the time about "being around ones who lift you up" but.....we can only lift so much. If you are going to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, we can only do so much, ultimately the choice is yours. IF you have so much strife in your life, and you ask yourself why but you refuse to acknowledge your part---how can you see? You say "I am so good, I do this or that, Im so wonderful. I dont do this or that." --- But yet, you have strife, heartbreak----then were are you seeking? What are YOU allowing? What choices are you choosing? You beg for God in all His Glory to rescue you---but have you opened your heart to truly obeying and changing? Sometimes what WE want and what HE intends, are not the same thing.

When you keep carrying this---it affects others. We begin to own problems we don't want to. If we want to be around uplifting people who enjoy life, then we MUST become those people too. Its OKAY to have problems, but it is not okay to live them 24/7 because that is not a life. You may beg to differ, but honestly---I wouldn't want to be in your shoes. I draw a line at crying or being irritable or bitter because im trying to be the perfect friend or woman or wife or mother----there comes a time when I say LORD WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO. And it may take a few tries, eventually I get it right. IF I can. So can you.

Any excuses in your life--are our own. Any repeat cycles in our lives...are our own.
When we choose them and we choose to do them "our way" we prohibit His work in our lives.

Be the change in your own because ultimately, it begins with you. Just as mine begins with me.

Security comes from accepting what we lack. What we don't have. BEing satisfied with it, and waiting patiently on HIS timing. Because what we allow Him to remove, He will give back more. Obedience. Trust. Faith. Do you have it? I'm learning.

Even I am sad without friends. I am fortunate to have 2 elders (those who are older and wiser than myself) and trustworthy---to occasionally unload on, and I do mean OCCASSIONALY its a very rare occasion. But we cannot humanly carry evertything with us, even after unloading on Christ sometimes we just need to vent. WISE people understand this. Mere humans of this world, do not. They will spit it out and twist it around and it will come out.

I am everyones friend. What comes to me, stays with me, God has taught me this. I know nothing. I am eyes to listen. A wisdom to understanding. I'll be there in time of need---no matter who they are to me. A friend a foe. I know that when I am in need they say "oh ill be here" the truth is, Ive been there and needed them a thousand times----they were no where to be found--excuses in every path and every way. So I've learned to embrace what I dont have. To be secure in what I lack. Patience is a virtue. I have Christ. I can smile. I can say "satan get the behind" when he starts to try to stir up strife.

Who are you? Who do you want to be? I would love to do more----perhaps one day. But I am happy that I can count on ONE HAND the very few I would dare to call a friend. It doesnt mean I dont need the female companionship of just generalized company. We all do.

I too have been judged and rated---but for those who have judged me--it will go right back to them, unless and until they make ammends, and likewise for me. I sure do hope I've covered all my bases. My deep thoughts for this shall stop here. :) Goodnight blog readers.

Dating/Relationships and God's Timing

I will start this blog off with a quote that does not belong to me, credit goes to the author at the very end of this quotation. Please do not take this for yourself, for it would be plaguarism. Credit should go where credit is due, always.

This caught my attention.

"Look, everybody doesn't deserve you, so stop giving your heart, your body, your mind, to any and everybody. Just because they tell you the right things doesn't make them the right one. Just because the first date went right doesn't make them wifey/husband material. Stop searching for it, and let God bring it to you. Acting DESPERATE for attention is not attractive. Not respecting yourself for attention is not attractive. Begging to be noticed is not attractive. Insecure people do that. Insecure people want attention, secure people demand respect. Insecure people brag and show off, secure people are humble. Insecure people PRETEND to be perfect, secure people embrace their flaws. There's beauty in confidence, but confidence isn't about showing off what you got, it's more about being secure in what you lack. Don't thirst for attention. Remember, if it's God sent, you won't have to chase it!" -(Written By: TRENT SHELTON--2013-via Facebook)

As we remember who we are, and who's around us. What we want, and don't want. Feeling of contentment. I feel this applies to many areas of our lives, not just in "singles"...but for marraiges, relationships in families, friendships the entire 9 yards can contribute in this. For example, I quit months ago looking for friendships. Feeling sorry when I realized, none around me that I am actually assessible to, are genuine in person. Instead HE has another plan but was waiting for me to submit. I submitted. I know who they are. Even if I can't see them or reach them on a daily basis---they exist. I must be patient. One day I will be surrounded constantly by what I crave. And remembering always that He provides and He is plenty enough.

Dating? Relationships? ahhh.....Tonight, long before someone posted this----and shared it--- I had a visit with 2 girlfriends----and Im secure in what I don't have. We talked about dating and how---Im secure and content with just hanging out with my girlfriends for a movie or dinner or hot cocoa. I made it clear for me, I'm content with waiting for my God, the maker and creator of heaven and earth, to bring a man to my life. It is his timing ultimatly that counts above all. The only dates I want are the ones with girlfriends. Theyre fun. They're better. One day, because I have been patient, He will reward me with the godly man that He knows I need. He knows alllll about me. All my troubles, my sorrows and my cares. All I must do is be patient.

I may never have been married---and I may have had my moments---but they're long past. Thankfully. Being a wild child or well that is something Ive never been but ive made my share of dumb stupid idiot mistakes, and learning to move past it was HARD, but the Lord taught me I have to forgive myself. We must all do that, and prepare ourselves to become ready for that relationship. What kind of man/woman do you want. Are YOU ready to be THAT person? We must be what we want. We must allow our hearts open for change from above---for Him to mold us---for we are His clay. He is our potter. If we are not open to change, then that is our choice, and we will be dealt the hand of our choosing---without realizing that is what we have chosen. Ultimately, its up to us.

A lot of praying and a lot of refocusing, has gotten me where I am now. More than anything, I cherish my time home with my son. I love it. I enjoy school and focus it gives. God in all of His perfect timing---when HE is ready, will give me the one HE and He alone has chosen.

I embrace my flaws, with love and give them to Him, to modify if its His will. I have flaws, we all do. I've learned so much about myself, about being humble instead of prideful, and I can see and feel the difference when I allow the Holy Spirit to guide me and to work as one with mine. I want to be more like Christ. I want to love others as He loves me. I want to forgive quickly, I want to embrace. More than anything, I feel secure today in what I don't have and I know the time will come when I shall recieve those things I do not have. I trust very much so in HIS timing. The best part is I dont "need" the male companionship---and its wonderful to not seek it. Do I miss it? yes. of course, it would be nice to have someone to snuggle with and share a life with or share with to be a 2nd best friend. Because Christ is my first---my first love.

Now, the story goes back to you. What do you choose?

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Just a heartfelt night, when I should be sleeping. Randomness.


There are days like today, when I'm reminded that our Heavenly Father is caring and He IS listening, even when I'm muttering mostly to myself--He sends someone out of the blue-of course, my actual friends from out of town----to say hello--just over little things.

 for most of you on facebook, I'm here to "entertain" something to "read'......because I talk constantly. :)  I try anyway. And plus to keep family up to date---since they enjoy hearing from me, even if its just dumb random stuff ;) :-D

I'm quiet in person  -----
 Unless your deaf, then in person-I might yak and usually---too much about stupid random stuff that doesn't matter, because they're safe topics---or to cover my nervousness and because I want to be friendly and I just dont know what to say so I ramble about nothing in particular or things no one cares about.

Sometimes we think we'll be fine without companionship of friends. But the truth is, we are a companion society. Even if we are loners, we occassionally need that "feel" of being around people.

Living in here in  (insert town name) America is a love/hate relationship for me. I like the peace and the quiet, same as (hometown 30 miles away).

 --but I hate being far away from the few friends I do have, and the church/church family I would like to be a part of.  (no that doesn't include (insert hometown)  in all their "niceness" I perfer "genuineness" civilized is good but...when its not genuine it really hurts me. I have plenty of deaf acquaintances  type occasional companions here--but its not the same as having an actual friend and being a part of a real freindship. I love the few dear friends I have---I just dont get to see them often enough. And the fewer, the better yes, but it would be nice to have a GENUINE real one--nearby. :-D

I do have hearing friends that are genuine, but communication barrier is quiet an issue for me.
A church family that I KNOW I would love, surrounded by amazing people, who are true to themselves and God---godly people, in my eyes..if you will. :) People with genuine hearts, who make me want to be a better person, just by their very existence. I have a few deaf friends like this---who I dont see often. We all need that. Those people randomly say hi---and your entir enight is just better because of it.

Anyhoo, back to the story---
(girls night coming up---it'll be fun---a good night of random company--with acquaintance type friends/companionship type)  Not actually genuine friends per se.
Do I even make any sense?

  I love college,-but..... being deaf and shy and communication barriers prevent hanging out with cool hearing people who can't sign. :(  So I distance myself from people-including folks I grew up with that i know would love to hang out and visit. I avoid accepting lunch dates with hearing people---and invites to their gatherings---becasue---Ive tried, and I fail at it.  I just can't do it.

I am me, and this is one of my random nights, of heartfelt blogging---which may or may not make sense. :-D

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I woke up this morning, to the most surprising text I have had in a long while. All I can really say is GOD IS GOOD! He loves us so much, and others so much, and prayers DO come true.

Giving our lives-relationships, friendsips, jobs, everything we have--to God,is the best that we can do for ourselves. And I truly truly believe this.

My life --especially in the past year has been amazing, ofc, not perfect, but definitly amazing, compared to the many that struggle. Ofc I have struggles, but they are nothing like those that don't have the Lord in their lives. This morning, a couple truly showed, that they're truly trying to give their lives to Him. That they've truly forgiven, and moved forward, from the bad things that have happened.

The young lady took the first step, by apologizing, to those who needed apologizing to-and I honestly didn't expect that she would apologize to me too--for something thats a year old-and this shows I believe, that these are first steps ---and you know, I applaud that---because that is the hardest things that we do in a daily life--accepting that we were wrong...we admit when we're wrong, we ask forgiveness for what we've done wrong. To the persons we did it to. And by the divine power of the Lord--life gets better. Because He loves us!

Whoever we are, some of the hardest things, is to forgive someone for something they've done. I had an instance where I struggled. Everytime I thought I forgave, I would have all this anger come back up when I thought of those persons-and I was smart enough to realize, that I hadn't truly forgiven-and I would have to truly pray-constantly, and ask the Lord to help me to forgive, and truly let go of that anger. It didn't happen overnight--it took 4 months to truly 100 percent forgive. I wanted to forgive, I was angry---butI knew I would need to let it go, or it would consume me! A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control. (Proverbs 29:11, NIV) Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. (Psalm 37:7, NIV)
Echoing this Psalm is a Proverb:
Do not say, "I'll pay you back for this wrong!" Wait for the LORD, and he will deliver you. (Proverbs 20:22,

And this is the time the Lord told me too that I had to weed people out of my life.

To me, we as humans, we can't forgive--we NEED our Lord to help us. HE gives us the ability to forgive. I feel this is why there are so many angry ppl in the world, so many that I see that refuse to forgive--they can't--bec its beyond their capabilities--and they need the Lord to do so.

And I believe that even though people may be our enemies, we must pray for them--because its the right thing to do--for them--to find the Lord, to find peace within their marraiges, to find eachother again, to learn to forgive--because I believe in the power of God. So this morning, I am smiling, because --God has been sooo good!

It won't matter who they are. Forgiveness is a part of healing, no matter how we've been wronged--we CAN forgive---by the mercy of Gods loving grace. Because people, we are not perfect--but He is. Look at all we have done! If our Lord can forgive us--then we can forgive others!

Some people view Christian life as "easy", maybe we make it look easy--but its not. Its one of the most difficult paths we'll ever travel, its not a path that is easy to stay on--there are times, when it does seem easy to stay on---it is definitly the path less traveled. But if we remember Him daily, in our prayers, and go to Him, He will help us.

So don't let go. Hang on tight! For the ride, is soo worth it!