
Friday, November 7, 2014


Write it down. Put it in your phone. Set alert. Write it down somewhere else---and STILL forget it. I think I am just going to start putting sticky notes on myself. I think its having too many things to remember---that make me forget---- or.. I am just simply full of fog. Well at least its not frogs!

If I were to post this on facebook the quick comeback would be oh put it in your phone...thats what I do.......and no, putting it in my phone wont work. Because I wont remember to look. and as for notifications....I turn the alert off, and then within 5 minutes its forgotten. If I write it down----unless its hanging on my wall---I wont remember it.

Today I got a few things checked off----thanks to being able to 'go" when the "timer alert" went off. Only thing I forgot is---drop coat to dry cleaners.

Its only 10:19....and here I was thinking it was past 12am...because I really thought I saw 11 hour ago because I was thinking I would go walmart around 8 or 9pm. Well an hour ago it was 9ish. Eh, nevermind now...I am too tired.

But that is nothing compared to going to Dollar General at 9:30pm to get eye drops----and arriving and not remembering what you went for---and come home----and about 20 mins later, you realize your eyes are like sandpaper.......

I remind myself I am normal. This may not be normal, but it is the life of someone with hypo thyroid---or no thyroid at well in addition you can add Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibro...... It is also the life of someone taking 3 different Disease Modifying Anti Rheumatoid Drugs (DMARDS)

Life is chaotic--when you are 41 years old and trying to finish school and you cannot remember to do assignemnts even if you write them down which days theyre due---you will still be unorganized, and very lazy, except you are not lazy because the medications take a lot out of you.

That is okay, if you are like me, know you are not alone. If you are not like me----research before you judge. Be empathetic even if you cannot be sympathetic. :)

Happy Friday---here's to a good weekend to all the blog browsers!