
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Losing Weight/Eating Healthy

My new years resolution has been the same as everyone elses---lose weight---eat healthy.

I've been doing pretty good. I dont know if i've lost any weight--cuz a car accident had made my discs really bad--and the phsyical therapist has said no workouts, no cardio and no exercizes whatsoever.

So all i can do at this point, is eat right. I thought I'd blog abt a few things I've done.

Ive dicovered that orange and lemon juice on lettuce with salt, garlic and pepper are amazing! It makes a fat free calorie free flavor that works great! tastes good with tomatoes---but not so much with cucumbers!

I grill everything, I use wholegrain breads, I have bought brown rice to start cooking with. I am on a limited budget as well--so if I can do it--so can you.

Potatoes may be starchy but it wont hurt to eat them a few times a week--just not daily. I microwave mine with rosemary, garlic and other flavors. :)

Even my kiddo seems to be enjoying all the foods. I no longer cook with veg oil--havent in ages. I use EVOO.

I have stopped drinking my pop and my coffee---But starbucks is a treat I will have once in a while! Gotta love those frapps!

So while I can't excersize or do cardio--i can practice eating right. We will all fall off--and to me, I think thats okay---and its okay to eat whatever u want one day out of the week.

I need to lose 40 lbs to meet my body mass-correctly. (however that goes)--but my goal is only 30 in 3 months. 10 lbs a month is worth a shot. Its going to be tough without cardio--but if u can get cardio in it--then you CAN do it!

Heres to a healthier us--in 2010! (more later!)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, girl... Wow! I did not know we have the same problem... discs in our backs... It makes it harder, huh? But I have been doing upper chest, legs, and arms execrises... It works.. If I do anything that requires back to work harder, I stop. Thats why Daniel and I are doing P90X. I got WII and plan on getting WII Fit Plus this month. Hopefully, that will help, too. My New Years Resolutions is to drink Zoke much less than I drink... so far, its not working. LOL

    Anyway, good luck!!
