
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fat cells

Tonight, I'm just gonna ramble, because Im bored, and its what I do.
Eating Salsa before bedtime--burns fat cells. Or so they say.
Eating salad at dinner time, will help you sleep better.
Eating protien such as cottage cheese for lunch, will fuel ur metabolism and burn faster.
Well, I'm up for trying anything! It just doesnt last. Darn.

I'll give credit where credit is due--so these are from papa mostly, but I gotta borrow em cuz I love em.

My fatcells hold hands. Majoryly big time. No matter how hard I try, they wont let go, I think they hang on tighter. I try to run them off, and they just laugh at me. I try to eat right, they giggle.

Then nights like tonite, they celebrate, for I had some of moms pear cobbler that she made for the first time--and it was total awesomeness! I didn't know such a think even existed! Honestly, I could feel my fat cells drooling, and singing, and producing more fatcells and just loving how their family was growing!

They really loved me yesterday too, because for the first time in my life, I had a Frapp. A white chocolate mocha frapp, half coffee and half cream. Thats all I know! oh wow seriously the best thing I've drank in a LONG time! So now I gotta learn their hot coffees too. I think its the cream I'm addicted to, which is a big no no.

I know my fatcells love me, for they show me by clinging to my butt--which certain unnamed folk enjoy taking pictures of. Im not sure this is a good thing. Ofc your welcome to disagree, we are all after all, entitled to our own opinions. My girlfriend wants my butt bec she thinks her man will think its sexy on her. Hmph.Believe me, its not all that! Ya welcome to all the fat cells I have! Want the ones on my thighs, stomach and arms too? Oh yeah lets not forget the ones on my hips! I'll keep my butt thank you very much--after you take all the fat cells that is!

So--I guess the bottom line is, if I want my fatcells to quit hanging on so tight, I gotta stay away from frapps....and I need to run. And run. What did you say? I have to work out too? *grunts* ofc you said that. Fine. So I will try. Ofc, this means I am procrastinating. Probably.

Goodnight fatcells. I'll see ya'll in the morning!

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