
Monday, September 21, 2009

Are you angry with the Lord?

Okay, so this is the blog where I just pour out feelings on random things, or my day or what may be. This one is the one that shld be titled my everyday life. The ordinary life of a single deaf mom.

So Im gonna play with my blogs as you come back u'll see things have changed and updated, as I learn to write and express again.

Onceupon a time, I LOVED to write poems. I had stackfuls and then one day, I stopped writing. I have no idea why really. My life is just as chaotic as the next person, and then just as wonderful as the next persons also.

Today, I have an amazing life. I mean amazing. I am happy, I am satisfied and I am complete. And there is only ONE reason for this, and that reason, is Jesus Christ. I am not ashamed to say I love my Lord. I am not ashamed to say HE is my best friend. Its on HIM that I can rely on everything.

Today, I am giong to write this blog, for someone Ic are abt. For someone thats fallen off the wagon, and blames the Lord or is angry at the Lord for whatever has gone wrong in their lives, or maybe things that have happened int heir lives that they dont understand why the Lord has allowed those things to happen.

For whoever you are you know who you are. You are not alone. There are many lost souls in this world. And if there was one thing I leaned this weekend fromt the retreat is taht we are all teachers. The Lord wants us to be teachers and I know this is my calling also.

Sweethearts, for all of you out there, the LORD LOVES YOU. He has NOT FORSAKEN (Forgotten) you. HE LOVES YOU.

Maybe your angry at the Lord for the things that have been allowed to happen in your lives. But I can tell you, there was a reason. The Lord allows things to HAPPEN For reasons that are way beyond our understanding. Bad things even happen to good people. Even Christians go through difficult times.

But please, I can only ask you, and the choice is yours. It is our decision daily to follow theLord. Maybe he's reached out to you through friends wanting u to go to church.
The one thing you CAN do is TALK to the LORD. ASK Him to forgive you for whatever you have done. For we are not perfect. We ae sinners in this world. Let him guide you and take over your life. Go to Him with every problem you have. Confess to him all your sins.

Find a pastor to talk to, a sr or a youth paster. Find a friend in your life thats a strong Christian. Let them help you. Open your heart.

Because God allows things to happen that may be horrible for us, beyond our understanding and u may ask "why did God allow me to go through this" or "if he loved me, he wouldnt have allowed this to happen". But you see God allows things to happen for a reason--He doesn't bring those things upon us. Even if you think He does. He doesn't. Satan is throwing whatever he can at you and what satan wants for you is for YOU TO BE AWAY FROM YOUR LORD!!! And if you have let satan interfere and you blame God and you are angry with God then satan is winning! DO NOT LET SATAN WIN!!! He is a loser! Show him what a loser he is! Forgive others, and forgive yourself, and askthe Lord to forgive YOU for being angry with him.

Our lives are hard, such is the way of the world. But with Him all things are possible and through all things we can come! We shall prevail, but it is up to us, US-- Gods chidlren that He loves to look to Him in time of need.No matter what bad things happen. Jesus loves us all.

KM--Jesus LOVES YOU. He wants you to turn to him. Your friends asked you to church for a reason. Give Jesus A CHANCE!! What have you got to lose--besides your life???? Ask God to help you forgive and move on, ask Him to help you with your life. Because HE WILL.

KM--My heart goes ut to you. My heart breaks to see you are so angry at God.Sweetie if I could tell you all the horrible things that God let us go through---wow. My sister recently had to endure something so horrible that NO ONE shld have to endure. But you know what? We didn'tblame God. We went to God. I stood by her side, and I reminded her daily to give her troubles to the Lord. And HALLELUIA! She got through that! Maybe you know, maybe you don't. But oh sweetie--it is hard work yes, but we must place our faith in God. For we ourselves are not perfect, we are sinners.

Give Him a chance K--- I KNOW you have that somewhere inside of you, or you would nto have posted in public about being angry and not being ready to go to churc. Honey--you an talk to Jesus alone just you and Him. You can ask him for guidence. But he is ready to embrace you for He has taken the steps and had ur friends ask you to join them.

You dont have to be ready to go to church, just take that first step, ready or not, and let God do the rest. Let Him guide you. Open your heart, and give it a chance. Sweetie, eternal life is much better than the life that one would be doomed for if we do not turn to the Lord.

And sweetheart I am here for you for any questions you have, in confidence whatever you need. Know this, NO ONE can make a decision for you. Its all yours. The choice is yours its up to you entirely. But know this. Jesus LOVES YOU. And I love you.


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